Derrycourt’s Environmental Response to Sustainability

At Derrycourt, we are not just cleaning experts; we are dedicated environmental stewards, leading the way in sustainable cleaning practices.  We have taken significant steps towards our environmental responsibilities, benefiting our organisation, cleaning operatives and the clients we serve.

Derrycourt is committed to reducing its environmental impacts, like its carbon footprint and to promote green, sustainable or low-carbon innovation for its products and services. Being more sustainable has several societal, moral, health and cost-saving benefits for us and clients. Whilst, legislation sets minimum standards for compliance, Derrycourt’s approach is to continually seek out improvements and alternatives to reduce impacts.

Our Ambitious Long-Term Goal is to achieve a NET ZERO carbon emissions target by 2040 and to do so, using Scientific Based Target Initiatives (SBTI) methods to positively impact CO2e Scopes 1, 2, 3. 

The 2023/24 Derrycourt Sustainability Report

This report highlights our unwavering commitment to sustainability, showcasing our advances and impacts in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects.

Commitment to Sustainability

We have embraced sustainability as an integral part of our corporate identity. While we meet the minimum compliance standards mandated by legislation, our commitment goes beyond the bare minimum.


We consistently seek innovative ways to reduce our environmental footprint. Our approach prioritises not only eco-friendliness but also the social, moral, health, and cost-saving benefits that this commitment brings to our company and our clients.

Our Greener Cleaning Policy demonstrates our dedication to environmentally friendly practices. 

We are Committed to Greener Cleaning Systems:

  • We purchase chemical products that are environmentally friendly and supplied to minimise packaging and container waste.
  • We use environmentally friendly cleaning equipment and materials, and use reusable cleaning cloths/microfiber technology.
  • We provide environmental training and compliance to ISO14001 and EcoLabel requirements.

We are Committed to Greener Office & Sites Operations:

  • Electrical appliances are powered off daily and use of energy efficient light bulbs at Head Office.
  • We ensure laundry machines are full before use.
  • Use of paperless invoicing and auditing practices.
  • We support centralised and segregated waste streams/bins.
  • We work with Clients to provide greener cleaning. Deploying technology that reduces paper printing volumes (e.g., QR Codes for Chemical SDS’s).

We are Committed to Greener Vehicle Usage

  • We encourage car-pooling, walking or cycling to work.
  • We adapt business hours to support public transport and/or remote working options.
  • We purchase fuel-efficient cars to lower CO2 emissions (e.g., electric vehicles), regular servicing/tyre pressure checks, fitting cars with GPS ‘trackers’ to aid speed reduction and less sudden braking (eco-driving).
  • We annually track CO2 emission reductions on energy.

Comprehensive Environmental Health and Safety Policy

Greener Cleaning

Ensuring a safe and healthy working environment is at the core of our operations. Our Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) policy outlines our objectives, including reducing our environmental footprint, conserving resources, complying with relevant regulations, and fostering a culture of sustainability. We prioritise environmental health and safety in every aspect of our work.

Our Commitment to the UN 2030 Agenda

In 2015, the UN adopted a 2030 Agenda for sustainable development to achieve 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs). As a member of the European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry body, we fully support these goals. Of which, there are 6 that are focused on by the cleaning sector:

UN Sustainable Goals, SDG, Derrycourt
UN Sustainable Goals, SDG, Derrycourt
Decent work and economic growth UN Sustainable Goals, SDG, Derrycourt
Reduced Inequalities UN Sustainable Goals, SDG, Derrycourt
Sustainable cities and communities UN Sustainable Goals, SDG, Derrycourt

Summary of our 2023 Environmental Achievement Highlights

Use of Renewable Energy. All HQ electricity supply converted to renewable energy sources.
0 %
reduced CO2 emissions with energy efficient vacuum cleaners. 40% quieter machines.
0 %
of laundry machines converted to A++ energy class ratings.
> 0 %
to be 100% accredited to the Indoor Cleaning Service EU Ecolabel in Ireland
1 st
Waste diverted from landfill. Achieved a 1.4% reduction in waste volumes in 2023
0 %
adoption of water-saving Microfiber Systems from 65.4% in 2022
> 0 %
of staff trained on Environmental and Chemical Awareness
0 %
entire vehicle fleet meets Euro Level 6 NCAP Emissions standards
0 %

Accreditation and Recognition

Our commitment to sustainability is not just talk; it is backed by accreditation and partnerships with renowned organisations, including the National Standards Authority Ireland (NSAI), where we undergo annual assessments for ISO14001, ISO9001, ISO45001.

We proudly hold the EU Ecolabel* for Indoor Cleaning Services, marking us as the first and only cleaning company in Ireland to achieve this standard. 

We also comply with the EU Green Public Procurement criteria and participate actively in the European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry body, wholeheartedly supporting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN. Our commitment to sustainability isn’t just recognised; it’s celebrated.

*Ecolabel certification only applies to Indoor Cleaning of hard surfaces and excludes Specialist Decontamination and Disinfection Services