European Cleaning Journal Article on challenges post covid for the cleaning industry. Includes a conversation with Avril McCarthy from Derrycourt

How have industry players coped with the changing landscape of the 2020s? And how far have the encountered challenges altered the face of healthcare cleaning?

Derrycourt Cleaning Specialist’s Avril McCarthy and other industry players talked to 
European Cleaning Journal about how Covid has impacted the cleaning landscape.

The insightful ECJ Article, quotes Avril McCarthy who believes the global pandemic has brought some positives to the healthcare cleaning sector.

Covid shone a public spotlight on what we do and it meant cleaning became perceived as having increased value. People began to understand the scale of what could happen when things went wrong, and the cleaners themselves gained more respect which gave them a boost. And as a result, cleaning changed from being ‘just a job’ and became something of which many of our people were proud to be doing during Covid.

Hygiene in Healthcare - 2023 Cleaning Challenges

Click here to read the article, published on 7 April 2023 in the European Cleaning Journal.

The world has changed dramatically since the beginning of the decade. ECJ talked to players in the healthcare sector to find out about the key challenges of the 2020s – and finds out how they plan to go about tackling them in 2023.

The healthcare landscape has gone through a series of crises since the 2020s began. Covid-19 was of course the big one, with hospital teams stretched to capacity in every country across the world. Hospital cleaning protocols became increasingly important because healthcare facilities were suddenly at real risk of becoming super-spreader institutions.

Then staff began falling ill themselves, and this led to gaps in care. Meanwhile, many healthcare workers opted to leave the industry in the light of the growing pressures along with the dangers their own roles represented. This meant staff shortages became another issue.

And added to this were the economic and climate crises which began to polarise opinion and change people’s attitudes. All healthcare spending suddenly became subject to ever more intense scrutiny as corners had to be cut while every purchasing decision had to be seen to be fully sustainable.

Continue reading the article here.